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14 Pep Boys FAQs From Our Experts
Pep Boys is a leading auto parts retailer in the United States. Established in 1921, what was first a venture that resulted from $800 pooled together by four navy buddies has grown into the multi-billion dollar retail and service chain that it is today. With hundreds of stores across the United States, anything and everything you need for proper car maintenance can be found with ease at Pep Boys. You’ll enjoy tons of quality at an affordable price when shopping at Pep Boys, in-store or online.
Pep Boys Products
Pep Boys Accepted Payment Methods
Does Pep Boys price match?
Yes! Pep Boys guarantees their competitive pricing and also promises to beat any current local advertised price of a competitor on tires, merchandise, and service.
Are there limitations to the number of products I can order at Pep Boys?
Typically, there are no limitations on how many of a certain product you can purchase per order. However, there may be instances when limitations per person will be imposed as in the case of specific promotions.
When does my Pep Boys order ship?
Pep Boys tries to process orders as soon as possible, usually within 1-2 business days. Processing time can be affected by the time it takes for payment authorization to complete along with product inventory and even weather conditions.
Can I track my Pep Boys order?
Yes. An email notification will be sent to you once your order gets shipped. The tracking number will also be provided in the email. Note that it may take up to 24 hours for the shipping information to be available. You may also track your order here.
What shipping methods does Pep Boys offer?
A full range of delivery service via FedEx and USPS are offered at Pep Boys to ensure that there’s a method that fits your needs. Note that the amount you’ll be charged for shipping and handling will be dependent on the delivery method you choose, the weight and dimension of the items and the specific destination they are being delivered to. Note that items exceeding shipping limitations on dimensions and size may incur additional shipping fees. Click here to learn more. Here are the shipping options available for you at Pep Boys.
FedEx Shipping Options
Delivery Method | Delivery Time |
FedEx Ground | 5-7 Business Days |
FedEx Express Saver | 3 Business Days |
FedEx 2nd Day | 2 Business Days |
FedEx Standard Overnight | 1 Business Day |
USPS Shipping Options
Delivery Method | Delivery Time |
USPS Priority (Over 1 Pound) | 1-3 Business Days |
USPS First Class (Under 1 Pound) | 1-3 Business Days |
USPS Priority Express | 1-2 Business Days |
Does Pep Boys accept returns in-store without a receipt?
Yes. You may still return an item in-store even without a receipt. Note that the store credit will be for the lowest selling price of the item you are returning over the last 30 days. Also, a valid form of ID will be required if you want to return an item without a receipt.
Can I cancel my Pep Boys order after placing it?
Online orders being shipped to an address may not be canceled after the order has been submitted. Online orders that are to be picked up in-store may be canceled. We recommend seeking service immediately by calling 1 (800) 737-2697.
Can I pick up my Pep Boys order at a store other than the one I originally selected when ordering online?
If you decide to pick up your order at a different store than the one you previously designated when you first placed the order, you will need to call customer care at 1 (800) 737-2697 to have the order canceled. Orders can only be picked up at the specific store selected when the order was placed.
Why do some Pep Boys items not offer an option to ship to an address?
Due to certain federal and state regulations, there are certain products that Pep Boys is not allowed to transport even though they are available for sale at the online store. Hazardous products and restricted items are only available for in-store pickup and will not display a ship to address option.
Does Pep Boys charge sales taxes?
A combination of state and local taxes will be applied to your order. How much the charge is will depend on the items you have ordered, the shipping charges, as well as the shipping address. Clickhereto view Pep Boys’ tax policy.