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10 Althea FAQs From Our Experts
Founded in 2015, Althea is a young company based in Korea that provides high quality beauty products at a reasonable price. Althea currently ships to over 200 countries around the world. You will find all of your beauty needs including cleansers, sheet masks and more, at Althea.
What is Althea?
Althea is a Korean beauty site that specializes in high quality products without the high price tag.
Does Althea ship to the United States?
Althea does ship to the US. Delivery should be expected within 7-35 days. Althea does not ship to PO Boxes. Shipping fees may vary depending on the order amount and carrier used. Customs may be added to the fees upon arrival to the US. This is beyond the control of Althea.
Does Althea ship to other countries?
Althea ships to more than 200 countries around the world. Fees will vary by the country.
What is the Althea return policy?
Althea accepts returns for 30 days after delivery. Customers should contact customer service at for information on how to make their return request.
Which payment methods are accepted by Althea?
Althea accepts the following payment methods for customers in the US:
Althea Payment Methods (US Customers)
Can I cancel or change an order to Althea once it has been placed?
Althea allows 48 hours during which orders may be canceled or amended. After this time, there will be no changes allowed.
Does Althea have a rewards program?
Althea does have a rewards program. The program is free to join and has three tiers: Seed, Bud and Flower based on how much money you spend on the site. Points can be earned for purchases, creating an account and other actions. Reward points are given for birthdays as well. The higher your tier the more points you earn and the more rewards there are.