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10 Addition Elle FAQs From Our Experts
Addition Elle is a Canadian based retailer that specializes in plus size fashions including casual and athletic wear, swimwear, intimate apparel, professional and dressy wear. Sizes are available up to a 6X with petite sizing also available. Shop the Addition Elle fashion collection from the comfort of your home
Does Addition Elle have retail locations?
Yes! There are a number of Addition Elle stores in Canada.
Does Addition Elle ship to the United States?
Addition Elle ships to the US using either FedEx or USPS at a flat rate of $9.95 per order. There are no express shipping options available. Shipping is only offered to the contiguous US at this time.
Does Addition Elle ship beyond Canada and the US?
Addition Elle only ships to Canada and the lower 48 US states.
Does Addition Elle offer Click and Collect?
Addition Elle offers Click and Collect only in Canada. Items can be sent to most locations with an email letting you know when your order is ready for pick up.
What is the Addition Elle return policy?
Addition Elle allows for free returns from the US for 30 days. All returns purchased from the US version of the website must be made by mail. Items should be new/unworn with tags attached. There are no exchanges.
Which payment methods does Addition Elle accept?
Addition Elle accepts the following payment methods for US, online customers:
Addition Elle Payment Methods
Does Addition Elle do price adjustments?
If an item goes on sale within 14 days after purchase, Addition Elle will adjust the price one time. Items that were already on sale/on clearance are not eligible for price adjustments.
What are the Addition Elle personal shopping services?
There are three different personal shopping services offered by Addition Elle. First, there is a bra fitting session which is 30 minutes long. Your consultant will help you find the right size and style for any type of bra that you need. The other 2 options are personal styling sessions. One is 30 minutes and meant to be an "express" shopping experience while the other is 1 hour long.