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13 AbeBooks FAQs From Our Experts
Millions of books, covering every genre, await you at AbeBooks. In addition to books, AbeBooks also carries collectibles and art. AbeBooks was founded in 1996 and features trusted independent sellers from all over the world selling millions of rare, used and new books, along with other knick knacks. Come check out the wide selection of books and more, all brought together in on easy-to-use online platform called AbeBooks!
AbeBooks Accepted Payment Methods
Does AbeBooks accept PayPal?
While AbeBooks does not accept PayPal, there are individual sellers that do. Some booksellers may even offer additional payment methods such as money order or check. Click here to learn how to pay a bookseller directly. Note that it is highly encouraged that you make your order via AbeBooks as this gives you additional security. This way, in addition to access to customer support, you'll be covered by AbeBooks’ Refund and Return policy.
When will my AbeBooks order ship?
Once an order is submitted, AbeBooks forwards it to the bookseller. Once processed, an email will be sent to you containing details of the order such as the date it was processed and the approximate number of days it will take to be delivered to you. Usually, it takes 2 business days to ship orders. The estimated number of days for the order to ship to you should be listed in the confirmation email. More information can be found here.
What shipping options does AbeBooks offer?
AbeBooks is an online marketplace and does not ship books themselves. Instead, they connect buyers to independent booksellers from across the globe. It is up to the booksellers to set the shipping methods and rates. Rates and costs for shipping will significantly vary among sellers. This cost depends on the destination of the order, the number of books being shipped and the overall weight.
Can I make changes to my AbeBooks order?
Once your order has been received and forwarded to the bookseller, AbeBooks would no longer be able to make any changes to it in the system. If the seller has not yet confirmed the order, the order can be canceled and you can place a new order instead. If the bookseller has confirmed the order though, you can contact the seller to find out if they can make the correction or cancel it for you. If the order has been shipped, you will need to return it and request a refund. Learn more here.
Why do the prices of books at AbeBooks vary so much?
AbeBooks is not responsible for setting prices - the booksellers are. There will usually be a wide range of prices for a specific title. However, this is because some of the copies may be new and some used. Note that books tend to become more expensive the rarer they are. It is always best to check the bookseller’s description of the book before making a purchase so you know exactly what you can expect.
Why am I charged a foreign transaction fee for my AbeBooks order?
Sometimes, you may see an additional charge on your credit card called a foreign transaction fee. Note that AbeBooks did not charge the fee and cannot refund the fee for you. Many banks charge this fee when people purchase from vendors located outside of the country. You can avoid having to pay this fee by limiting your purchases to booksellers located within your country or by making purchases with your domestic currency. Learn more here.
What is AbeBooks' return and refund policy for damaged or incorrect books?
You have 30 days to return your book for a refund if you are dissatisfied with the purchase because you received a damaged or incorrect book. A full refund of the purchase price will be provided to you and, if the return is due to an error on the part of the seller, the original shipping costs will be refunded. To receive a refund, make sure to return the item directly to the seller within 30 days from the delivery date. The book must be in the same condition as when it was received.
Note that for books being returned in anything other than the original condition, it will be the seller’s discretion whether to refund the shipping fee or not. Read the Refund and Return Policy here.
Can I return my AbeBooks order if I do not want the item anymore?
Most booksellers will be happy to accept returns due to a change of mind. It is essential to get in touch with the bookseller first before initiating these types of returns. If you placed your order on, note that sellers will not be required to accept the return request. They may cancel it too if it goes against their store policy. If the seller does not cancel the return request within 2 days, then the request is deemed accepted. Once you return the book in the same condition as it was shipped to you, a refund will be provided, minus the original shipping fees.
When will I receive my AbeBooks refund?
Refunds are processed once the bookseller receives the returned book. Note that refunds will be processed to the same mode of payment used when the order was placed. It is advised that customers use a trackable shipping method when returning items. If a returned item does not arrive and there is no way to track it, the refund request will have to be canceled.
Can I request another copy of my book from AbeBooks?
No. AbeBooks is an online marketplace where booksellers from all over the world list their books. AbeBooks does not have a warehouse of product. Instead, the books are processed and shipped directly by individual sellers. This is why AbeBooks is unable to send out book replacements. You can, however, return a book to get a refund for it and then make another purchase.
Can I cancel my AbeBooks order?
You can cancel your order provided that the bookseller has not processed it yet. To do this, just find the order. The “Cancel this Order” button should appear next to the order if it is still possible to cancel it. Just click it and confirm the cancelation. An email should be sent to you to confirm the cancelation. In the event that the order has already been processed and could not be canceled, you will have to request to return the book and ship it back once you receive it for a refund.
How do I get in touch with AbeBooks customer service?
You can get in touch with AbeBooks customer service by sending them an email via their customer support page.