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10 Watch Gang FAQs From Our Experts
Watch Gang is a subscription box service that caters to watch lovers and collectors. Every month a new watch will arrive based on the type of membership that is selected. Members are also given the chance to win a Rolex or Tag Heuer watch as well as other giveaways that occur throughout the year. In addition to watches, Watch Gang has other accessories and apparel.
How does Watch Gang work?
Watch Gang is a subscription based service where customers receive new watches via mail delivery. To start, choose the tier that you want to be on, as this will determine the price per month as well as the value of the watches you receive. After selecting the tier, you choose whether to prepay your subscription for 3, 6 or 12 months. You are able to cancel subscriptions however there are no cash refunds.
What is the Watch Gang US shipping policy?
Watch Gang uses flat rate shipping on all packages in the US. The fee is currently $9.82 on all packages with no other shipping options offered.
Does Watch Gang ship internationally?
Watch Gang does ship internationally with flat rate shipping that varies by the country. This shipping charge does not include any customs taxes or other fees that may be required.
What is the Watch Gang return/refund policy?
Watch Gang does not allow returns for watches and there are no refunds. Damaged items may be repaired or replaced, but proper documentation must be provided.
Watch Gang Payment Methods
What happens if I cancel a prepaid membership to Watch Gang?
Canceling a Watch Gang membership will not result in a refund of unused membership fees. Instead, the remaining fees will be converted to points which can be used for the Wheel of Watches.
What is the Watch Gang Wheel of Watches?
Wheel of Watches is a game of chance. It is Watch Gang's way of letting people pick the watch they want. Points are purchased and then used to "spin" the wheel to see if you have won. The more points that you buy the more chances you have to spin the wheel.
Does Watch Gang offer any type of financing?
Watch Gang does offer financing through Affirm. Affirm allows you to pay for purchases in monthly payments without added interest. Choose the Affirm option at checkout for additional information and to fill out the application form.