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11 Teleflora FAQs From Our Experts
Founded in 1934, Teleflora still promises that all of its flowers are arranged by hand and then delivered by a smiling face every single time. Order flowers for any occasion for loved ones from Teleflora. Teleflora supports a number of charities including the Breast Cancer Research Foundation as well as the Make Someone Smile Week which it founded in 2000. Since then, thousands of bouquets have been delivered to hospital patients and residents in nursing homes across the country.
How do you order from Teleflora?
Ordering from Teleflora is easy and can be done online, by phone or in select Teleflora florists. For online orders: choose the bouquet or gift that you would like to send. You can shop by the color of the bouquet or by the occasion. Choose if you would like to add extras to your gift and which ones to include. Choose the gift card and write your message as you would like it to appear and then add to cart. Enter your information including where and when the gift should arrive as well as your own billing information and you are set. If you have created an account before some of your information will be saved so that you don't have to enter it again.
What is the cost of delivery for Teleflora?
Every item at Teleflora has a fee of $15.99 added to the order for delivery.
Does Teleflora ship internationally?
Yes! Teleflora ships internationally to many countries. There is a minimum order requirement for each country and this varies by destination. Each order has a delivery fee of $15.99 as well as an additional relay fee of $15.
What payment methods are accepted at Teleflora?
These are the payment methods accepted by Teleflora for US customers:
Teleflora Payment Methods
How does Teleflora handle refunds?
If a gift giver or recipient is unhappy with the flowers or gift that has been delivered for any reason, they should call Teleflora customer service at 1-800-493-5610 for immediate assistance. Teleflora will do whatever it takes to make it right.
Does Teleflora have a rewards program?
Teleflora Rewards lets you earn rewards including free bouquets and discounts on popular items.
Can I choose a specific florist at Teleflora?
If you order by phone at 1-800-493-5610 you can give specific details like a florist in the area that you prefer to use.
Do I need to make an account with Teleflora to order?
If you are only ordering one time, the answer is no. If you order flowers and gifts several times a year then making a Teleflora account makes sense because it speeds up your checkout process as well as stores information such as names and addresses, birthdays and more.
What is the Teleflora Deal of the Day?
The Teleflora Deal of the Day is a custom arranged bouquet. You give details such as what the occasion is or color preferences and the florist works their magic.
Telefora Products
How do I reach someone at Teleflora customer service?
Teleflora customer service can be reached by live chat on the website, this inquiry form or by phone at 1-800-493-5610.