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October is LGBT History Month. To observe and celebrate the occasion, Apt2B partnered with the Los Angeles LGBT Center to bring some joy and comfort to its many members during a year no one could have predicted. This story, however, starts back in the late spring. Being passionate supporters of the LGBT community here in Los Angeles, we were excited to work with three facilities in and around the city to observe Pride month by gifting them each custom sofas that represented the iconic rainbow Pride flag as well as the Transgender Pride Flag. Timing wasn’t on our side, and after a slowdown in production due to COVID-19 and city closures, the sofas didn’t arrive on time.

It’s a good thing we celebrate and honor our LGBT friends, family and community year-round; the arrival of the sofas a few months too late for Pride was a little bit of welcome serendipity to kick off LGBT History Month.

“The LGBT community is not taught its history at home or in public schools,” shares Diego Martinez, who handles corporate relations for the Los Angeles LGBT Center. “LGBT History month provides role models, builds community and highlights the impact so many of our LGBTQIA+ members have made in history that have changed the lives of so many.”

Since 2006, LGBT History Month celebrates the achievements of 31 past and present lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender icons, a list that sees new names every year. From heralded poet Emily Dickinson to effervescent rapper Lil Nas X, you can learn more about the 2020 icons here.

The Deets on the Los Angeles LGBT Center

The LGBT Center facilities across Los Angeles are staples of the community, providing health services, social services, housing, culture and education, and leadership and advocacy services. “LGBTQ people disproportionately suffer from poorer health and socioeconomic outcomes due to societal stigma, discrimination, unconscious bias, and denial of civil rights,” says Martinez. “Responding to pressing needs within the LGBTQ community, the Center takes a comprehensive and coordinated approach to offer a spectrum of vital programs and services to those who need it the most. Being a safe haven for anyone and everyone not just in Los Angeles but also well outside of it ensures the survival of our most vulnerable. The Center serves as a beacon of hope and pride for our community.”

“The sofas feel like a big hug full of love and support for our community.”

- Mariana Marroquin, Program Manager of the Trans Wellness Center

While many businesses locally and nationwide shuttered temporarily because of COVID-19, the Center stayed open. These facilities act as hubs, welcoming and helping anyone who crosses their thresholds, and when the pandemic hit, they become even more integral to those in need of their services. With all the important and great aid being offered, we thought the cherry on top would be some smile-inducing spots to rest, recharge, read and connect. After all, no time like now to sprinkle some light and glee.

“The sofas feel like a big hug full of love and support for our community,” says Mariana Marroquin, Program Manager of the Trans Wellness Center. “We still have a lot of reasons to keep fighting against violence, lack of opportunities and inequality, but a gift like this is a good reminder that we are not fighting alone—we have allies who see us and are willing to fight with us.”

Want to Help? Here’s How:

If you’re local to the Los Angeles area, you can find out more about volunteer opportunities with the Los Angeles LGBT Center, including what’s needed at any of their nine facilities, be it general administrative assistance, serving meals, taking part in special events, helping members gain professional skills, or one-on-one mentoring. “There’s even a way to volunteer from your own home by way of our virtual engagement volunteer opportunities,” notes Martinez. Head to https://volunteer.lalgbtcenter.org/ to find out more about the many volunteer opportunities.

And being that we don’t all have ample free time to give, donations are always encouraged and accepted to help support the centers. Monetary donations can easily be made online here. “We need donations, no matter how big or small, to keep all of our resources available to our community,” says Martinez.

Thank you to all customers and supporters of Apt2B that help us to be able to do this work in and around our community, and thank you the Los Angeles LGBT Center for your work. To learn more about the Center, head to lalgbtcenter.org, or follow along on Instagram. For more information about the Trans Wellness Center, visit mytranswellness.org.

*photos: Sara Ligorria-Tramp

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