Bright Light Headset


The flexible neckband and adjustable cords are designed to provide long-term comfort and simplicity.

Integrating the HumanCharger into your daily personal and work routines helps you feel energetic and recharged for your entire day.

The HumanCharger is a bright light device that is intended to help you improve the winter moods as well as the effects of jet lag.

This product provides these benefits in a quick, 12-minute application of light into your ears. It is easy to take with you so you can use the product at any time that is convenient for you, whether traveling or at home.

>> View the 90 sec product video here


  • 60-day Money Back Guarantee

    To ensure our customers’ satisfaction, we provide a 60-day, money-back guarantee.

  • 2 Years Warranty

    We provide 2 years warranty on our product regarding manufacturering faults.

  • Save Energy

    Compared to other bright lights, the HumanCharger only uses a fraction of the energy.

  • Less Recycling

    With this new version we have saved 80% packaging material.


As a rotating shift worker, the Valkee HumanCharger keeps me adjusted to the different hours I must work. I’ve now bought a second HumanCharger for my wife who feels it gives her much more energy to deal with the long, stressful hours she works as a physician.

D.P. (Indiana, USA)

For my entire life, I have suffered from the “winter blues”. Neither light therapy lamps nor medications helped but finally, the HumanCharger worked wonders for me.

Jan (Denmark, Europe)

I recently traveled from Europe to China and using the HumanCharger enabled me to sleep like a baby and have energy every day.

- Lucian (France, Europe)

I love this product! I am a shift worker who lives in Alaska and the HumanCharger helps with both the change in hours I work as well as the lack of sunlight we have during our shortened days.

J.S. (Alaska, USA)

Thank you! I LOVE this little, simple device because it helps me get through the days of limited sunlight with a lot more energy.

J.R. (Canada)

Having bought your product from Union Square in Aberdeen, I'm amazed at how my sleep pattern is so much better along with my mood. I work inside an oil rig in the North Sea as a steward, where there are no windows and I see no natural light for 2 weeks. Im away offshore tomorrow and looking forward to see how my mood changes offshore. Many thanks, so far big improvement for me.

- W. A. (Scotland)

The results I have had so far have been nothing short of incredible. All my life I woke up naturally only when the sun comes up. Obviously, this is only acceptable when the sun comes up earlier. When I have to use an alarm or arise when my wife goes to work before the sun is up, I am tired and and my brain is in a fog all day. Within two days of using the Humancharger, I now wake up without an alarm one and one half hours before the sun comes up. My wife says this is the first time she remembers this happening in years and that is a long time since we have been married 34 years.

- J. H. (Utah, USA)
Jason León
February 27, 2025
This thing works. It's well designed and super affordable. Just 12 minutes first thing in the morning while I'm prepping and drinking my lemon water with pink Himalayan, and I feel so energized after. Its like a cup of coffee (I stopped all caffeine months prior to trying HumanCharger). It's also much more convenient than sitting down in front of a sun lamp. Highly recommend.
Tracey Forbes
February 10, 2025
I swear by using this , my winter sadness is drastically reduced . I start to use mine when the clocks go back for winter and stop when the clocks go forward for spring. I used the Valkee previously to purchasing this model .
Brandon Haley
December 20, 2024
Works great. I use every day in my morning routine
Paloma MM
December 20, 2024
Puede que sea sugestión o no pero sin tener ninguna expectativa solo puedo decir que me encuentro con mejor humor y más energía.
Minimalist Biohacker
December 20, 2024
Der HumanCharger ist ein genial einfaches Werkzeug für die Lichttherapie - effektiv und kompakt, ich benutze ihn JEDEN Tag in der dunklen Jahreszeit, im Auto oder am Arbeitsplatz. Meistens frühmorgens und mittags. Ich spüre vor allem eine positive Wirkung auf meine Stimmung. Mein Schlaf wird durch den HumanCharger gefühlt etwas regelmäßiger - ich spüre gleichzeitig die Schwere des Bettes und kann leichter einschlafen. Ich bin gespannt, ob es weitere Studien dazu geben wird, aber Theorie hin oder her, es funktioniert!
Netta Nyman
December 19, 2024
Love my HumanCharger(s)! I have used it during the Winter Season for several years now, and it really helps. I have also recommended it to my friends (as it is not so well known in Norway), and I would love to try the new model. Thank you <3
November 28, 2024
Since I started use this item I don't feel depressing in European winter. I think this item helps my mood, recommended to my friends. I've watched some video about this from other users. It seems bit overpriced considering how simple this product is. Still worth to buy it.
Almat Q
October 8, 2024
Folke Nørgaard
June 26, 2024
I have used HumanCharger throughout the winter. I use and have used light therapy in the form of a lamp and still do. One does not exclude the other. I have tested it through a long Danish winter. With regular use, it gives more energy, and I feel less tired (physically). You feel a bit clearer in the head after a treatment. I have also used HumanCharger while traveling, and it helps with jet lag. I am very satisfied, and it is easy to carry in your pocket.
Amir Haver
June 18, 2024